วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Personal Finance Training for Young Adults

In many of my articles, I focus on young adults as my target audience. By young adults, I generally mean people between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. Why target this group? Quite simply, time is on their side when it comes to saving for retirement, and because of this fact, small changes in their spending habits can make a big impact on their investing results due to compound interest. When these numbers jump out and “surprise” a person for the good, that person is more likely to take action to get their personal finances in order. Therefore, in this article I wish to provide basic personal finance training aimed directly at young adults, with the hope of positively impacting their financial futures.

Start a Roth IRA ASAP

Unlike a traditional IRA and 401k which are income tax deferred, the Roth IRA features contributions that are taxed in the year they are made, while gains and withdrawals are never taxed. Therefore, the best time to contribute to a Roth IRA is when your income is low. When are our incomes typically at their lowest point? While we are young adults, of course. As long as you have earned income, an individual can contribute to a Roth IRA up to the amount of his/her earned income or $4,000 (increases to $5,000 in 2008), whichever is less. For a married couple, both spouses can each contribute up to $4,000 for a total of $8,000 (increases to $10,000 in 2008). Think of it this way, some part-time workers don’t even pay income tax, due to their low income coupled with qualifying deductions. In such a case you could actually make Roth IRA contributions which would not be taxed, and the account would never be taxed. Pretty sweet deal!

Gradually Ramp Up Your Lifestyle Over Time

Some people make the mistake after graduating from college of buying a really expensive car, I guess as a reward to themselves for all of the hard work they put forth to earn their diploma. This is absolutely one of the worst, albeit most common, mistakes young adults make. Why? Because after buying a BMW at 22 years old, do you think we’ll buy a Honda or a Mercedes at 25? Of course, we’ll buy the Mercedes because we don’t want to go backwards on the “perceived” quality scale. The point is, it’s a good idea to hold back a little on the quality we demand as young adults because our taste will probably only get more expensive as we grow older. In other words, making a less expensive purchase as a young adult translates into a lifetime of less expensive purchases, even while steadily moving forward on the “perceived” quality scale throughout.

Base-Load Your Investment Accounts

Another trick to take advantage of while still a young adult is to base-load your investment accounts. By base-loading, I mean contributing a larger than normal amount to your accounts at the beginning of your investment career and little to none the rest of the way. This advice works great if you take advantage of it before you are married with kids and have a mortgage. Before you walk down the aisle and start a family, your expenses are typically low, so you are able to put some of your excess cash to work. That way when you do take the plunge, you can cut back or even eliminate investment contributions altogether, and it won’t even matter. For example, say at 22 years old you start contributing the maximum of $4,000 per year to a Roth IRA and continue until you are 30, at which time you decide to get married and start a family. Because running a household and raising a family can get expensive, you halt all contributions to your Roth IRA from this point forward. However, you allow the contributions you have already made to continue compounding. If we assume the Roth IRA compounds at 10% per year, how much will your account be worth when you reach 65? Surprise, nearly $1.3 million dollars! Pretty amazing.


Young adults have a distinct advantage over the rest of us because they still have the most valuable resource of all on their side – time. Making wise financial decisions early in life sets the stage for financial success during your retirement years. Hopefully, my simplistic personal finance training offered here will inspire young adults to take action now so they will be able to reap the benefits in the future.

Charles Hebert shares his views on personal finances from his website, Smart Money Advocate, which advocates simple strategies for achieving financial success.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Defining Credit Card Finance Charges

There are other fees associated with the use of a credit card besides the actual charge from each purchase. These other costs can add to the total balance on your account that you have to pay. The common credit card fees you will encounter at some point are the annual fee, the APR, late payment fees and the finance charge. The finance fee is added to it every month while the others are less frequent.

The credit card finance charge will be the dollar amount that you have to pay to the credit card provider for the use of their lines of credit to make purchases. This finance charge will be different depending on the APR or annul Percentage rate of the card. This is how credit card finance charges affect you card balance.

Your individual credit card company will have its own policies and approach to calculate the finance charge for your card. The outstanding balance will determine how much you will end up paying in credit card finance charges each year more than the APR will affect it. You need to understand how your outstanding balance is calculated.

The outstanding balance on your credit card may be calculated during one billing cycle or within two billing cycles. You must note that there are three types of balances which are used to figure the amount of your annual finance charges. These balances are the adjusted balance, the average daily balance, and the previous balance. Each of these balances has something in common, in that you will need to decide if new or recent purchases will be counted as part of the relative balance. When you have done this, you can then calculate the credit card finance charge. The finance charges will vary depending upon the billing cycle based on the carry- over balance and the timing of different purchases and payments.

Many of the credit card companies provide credit cards that operate under what they call a minimum finance charge policy. With this type of finance charge the cardholder is given a flat rate for the finance charges each year. This will mean that the rate will not vary or fluctuate because of differences in the card's balance each billing cycle. Your minimum finance charge is activated when your card has a carry-over balance that goes into the following credit card billing cycle.

There is no way to avoid the credit card finance charge. It is a necessary cost which must be paid in order to continue using the convenience of the credit line to make purchases. This means that it is important to have a good idea of how they work with your particular credit card company. You should have a working knowledge of what affects the charges that are added to your balance that you will have to pay. What would you do if you are assessed a wrong amount and then pay for something that is not applicable? You must spend some time studying your credit card terms and uses in order to know what to watch for.

Joe Kenny writes for themoneystop.co.uk, offering credit cards and personal loans.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine

Are you looking for an upbeat exciting financial magazine? One that won't bore you to pieces?  Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine provides readers with the information they need to make smart decisions about their money. Each issue includes intellectual reporting on investments, taxes, insurance, paying for college, planning for retirement, home ownership, major purchases such as cars and computers and other personal finance topics.

It provides very simple, relevant financial tips. It is not just a magazine that is easy on the eyes, but it has principles that can be applied to your life right now and save you a lot of money. Kiplinger's has a nicely balanced approach and tone. It is not a preachy book and you will always find a tip, suggestion, or tax-saving idea that pays for your year's subscription in every single issue. Talk about a worthwhile publication!

This magazine talks about how real people with average salaries, kids, and debt can invest for the future. With helpful articles, parents can learn how to teach their kids to manage money and do so wisely.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine is an economical, appropriate, and authoritative choice for someone looking for a smartly laid out finance magazine that they can understand. It conveys complex financial concepts in easily, comprehensible terms and covers the information you need to deal with finances on a level you understand.

Financial magazines can be long, boring, filled with numbers and terms that a regular Joe just does not get. However, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, is a magazine that even your older kids would love to read.

If you found this article useful, you can also get tons of free investment advice and great finance tips at Invest Money Stocks.

This article was written by Richard Tyler - a happily retired investment guru who ran several successful businesses during his earlier years. He now shares his wealth of knowledge on investment, business and strategic wealth management at Invest Money Stocks. Ignorance is often the reason why some people are unable to harness upon what they already have to make more money while some 'in-the-know' get richer every year simply through investments. Richard sees it as a passion as well as a pleasure to share his knowledge and experience and hopes that his website will be a wealth of knowledge for those who need help in investment and wealth management matters. Invest Money Stocks covers a wide range of topics from business management, home budgeting, personal wealth management to stocks investment, options trading, penny stocks trading, forex trading, bonds, technical analysis, fundamental analysis and more.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Finance - How To Keep Up Monthy Payments

At some point in time you have probably been forced to take out a loan or use a credit card for an unexpected event. Most people have a loan or some form of credit that they have to account for each month, it is important to keep these payments up to date to avoid late charges that may cause you to slip further into debt.

It is wise to look at your finances on a regular basis in order to budget what is coming out and determine if you have sufficient funds to cover these outgoings.

When you organise your finances it is a good idea to create a list of all the outgoings including any loans or credit cards you have that need to be paid on a per month basis. Once you have created your list make a new one but this time prioritise it so that the most important and urgent items are at the top and will be paid first.

Generally most people opt to pay the minimum payment on credit cards which is usually just the interest this means you are unlikely to pay off the actual amount you have borrowed.

If you have any spare money at the end of the month I would recommend you use this to pay off credit cards, remember to factor in the cost of living when working your finances out to avoid having to pay for day to day home running costs on a credit card. .

If you have any form of bonus scheme with your place of employment and receive a cash sum on a regular basis try to avoid blowing it on something you do not need and instead use it to reduce your monthly outgoings, this will in turn leave you with more money left over each month.

Paying off more than the minimum amount when it comes to loans and credit cards will reduce the length of time you have to pay on the loan or credit card it will also help your credit score if the loan is paid off on time and the repayment deadlines are met each month.

Sorting out your finances may seem like a chore and something that you cant face doing, sometimes not knowing exactly how much debt you are in seems like a better idea than facing the truth however ignorance is not always bliss. Knowing exactly what you owe, what out goings you have and how much extra you can afford to pay out could mean that your debt problems can be resolved sooner rather than later.

Not knowing when payments are due and wasting extra money that could have been used to reduce your debt can lead to a downward spiral where you may find yourself in a situation of taking out one loan to pay another.

Allen Jesson writes for several sites that specialize in Loans Finance & Insurance
Debt Consolidation and Refinancing

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

New Book Offers Exceptional Advice on Finance and Investing

This book's title "Wealth Is a Choice: How to Choose Wisely" says it all. Wealth is a choice. No one gets rich without making the decision to do so, whether it is deciding to buy a lottery ticket or pragmatically planning for retirement. The first thing people must do is make conscious decisions that they will have wealth and then set goals to achieve that wealth. Of course, the goals must be realistic, which rules out the lottery. In "Wealth Is a Choice" James Studinger provides valuable advice for setting realistic goals based on his own experiences and his many years of helping his clients increase their wealth.

Throughout "Wealth Is a Choice," Studinger relates personal experiences-his childhood in Manistique, Michigan, his working for a firm that helped prison employees with managing their money in the Marquette Branch Prison, various firms he has worked for in Michigan, and examples of the clients he has helped to grow their wealth, as well as examples of clients who did not grow wealth and what held them back. He also tells his own story of personally learning how to handle his money so he was not in debt. He began writing "Wealth Is a Choice" because he wanted to leave his sons a money road map should anything happen to him. That idea grew into one of the best books on money management I have ever read.

"Wealth Is a Choice" stands out for many reasons. First of all, a lot I know about money I learned from Suze Orman. Her books and television show are fantastic about money management, but Orman and many others focus primarily on how to get out of debt, and how to save money by spending less. Studinger talks about debt briefly, but he notes that many good books already exist on the subject. His purpose is instead to help us learn how to grow our money, which is what I've most wanted to learn. I'm apparently one of the fortunate few in America not in debt who has always been good at saving money. My need has been trying to figure out what to do with the money I save-how to invest it, what to invest it in, how to know whether an investment will be good or bad.

I have read books about mutual funds and stocks and how to determine which ones are likely to grow. Most of it I quickly forget. What was missing from the equation, and Studinger is the only author I know who has made this clear, is that the ultimate goal is to figure out how much you need to retire, and then to track your progress regularly toward that goal.

One point Studinger covers extensively, which cannot be underestimated, is the importance of finding a reliable advisor. He warns us that many advisors try to sell clients products based on how much commission they will receive rather than what is best for the client. He tells us to ask advisors upfront what the benefit is to them, while reminding us just because one investment will pay off for the advisor more than another, it doesn't mean we shouldn't choose the investment that will help the advisor more, we just also should choose what makes most sense for our investment needs. After all, advisors deserve to make a good living off their work provided they are giving their clients good advice. Studinger tells us to ask three basic questions of advisors before we make an investment: What is the rate of return? What is the risk? What is the cost?

Beyond finding a good advisor, Studinger suggests we find a good software program that allows us to track our investments. I have tried to track my investments by paper statements, making spreadsheets etc., but it is tedious and I never keep up with it. A software program sounds like the way to go. Studinger's own wealth management firm, JPStudinger Group, provides a wealth management solution tool that is web-based so clients can track their investments. A video of this tool can be viewed at http://www.jpstudinger.com.

The only slight flaw I see in this book are the examples of wealthy clients Studinger uses. The majority of them have significant incomes ranging from $80,000 annually and upward. Most Americans do not have such incomes, so they might find such numbers intimidating. Unfortunately, it is people with such high incomes who will most likely be reading this book. However, the person who makes $30,000 a year will find the advice given just as useful. Don't let the numbers intimidate you. A person's current income does not have to determine whether someone has the choice to become wealthy. As Studinger points out, it's about making good choices with the money you have that will make the difference.

"Wealth Is a Choice" is an easy to understand book. Unlike with many investment books, I never once felt lost or confused. Studinger writes in a straightforward style, and his honest advice leaves me with no doubt that he has the reader's best interests at heart. He has great cartoons throughout the book to illustrate his discussion, and he uses effective analogies, including football offense and defense and archery anchor points to get his points across. I think male readers will especially be able to relate to his examples and find the advice practical.

Lots of people read about money or tell themselves someday they will get their finances together. This book will inspire people to do so. Many readers, after completing this book, will realize that wealth is a choice and be inspired to make that choice for themselves. I know "Wealth Is a Choice" has encouraged me to review my financial goals and plan better for retirement.

For more information about J.P. Studinger and "Wealth Is a Choice: How to Choose Wisely," visit http://www.jpstudinger.com

Tyler R. Tichelaar holds a Bachelor's and Master's Degree from Northern Michigan University and a Ph.D. from Western Michigan University. His family's long relationship with Upper Michigan and his avid interest in genealogy inspired Dr. Tichelaar to write his Marquette Trilogy: Iron Pioneers, The Queen City, and Superior Heritage. Dr. Tichelaar is also a professional book reviewer and editor. For more information about Tyler R. Tichelaar, his writing, and his author services, visit:


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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Quotes, This is How You Get the Best

When you are looking for funding to start a project, buy a house or even a car, it is always advisable to compare rates and get the best deal available. Depending on what you need to finance, there are many places that you can find quotes. The Internet has many deals that are available but you have to know where to look. You will see the types of funds available and then you can decide which one works best for you. There are two ways to get funding that you can choose from. You can go for a secured or unsecured loan.

The secured loan is economical as you have collateral that acts as security. When you go for this option, you are in a position to pay lower interest rates and also your monthly rates are reduced. The market is overwhelmed with these lenders.

So for them to be able to get clients they have to come up with competitive loan packages so that you can choose the one that you feel suits you best. They use finance quotes to tell you about the package they are offering. You also get a description of the terms and conditions that are offered by the lender. They act as a deciding factor about which loan package you will select.

To be able to access the best finance quotes, you can search online and you can then choose the one that you feel is suitable to your needs. Finance quotes are there to give you alternatives and also give you an estimate of what you will spend before you actually commit yourself to it.

Mercy Maranga writes content on Finance and Finance Management. Visit her site here for more information on Finance. Finance Information

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Establishing Your Personal Finance Goals

Before you can start saving or investing for the future, you need to work out what your aims are. Only if you know what you are saving and investing for can you choose the best products to help you realise your goals. Otherwise, you're likely to end up with completely unsuitable personal finance products.

Some of the financial goals you have may include clearing your debts, buying a house, starting a pension or helping out your children.

Most people have short and long-term personal finance goals. In the short term you might want to buy a new car or pay for a summer holiday, while in the longer term you may be keen to build up savings for retirement. And, you may have more than just your own future to consider: If you have children or plan to have them at some stage, they may want go to university or need help getting on the housing ladder, and you need to plan to fulfil those personal finance goals as well.

Different personal finance goals require different investment vehicles so it's important that you work out what you want and then prioritise them. If you are investing for the long term for retirement, for example you should invest in equities because, historically, they produce the greatest returns over time.

However, they aren't suitable for short-term investment goals because they are extremely volatile the value of your shares may plummet just when you need the cash to buy your new car. But if you don't need the cash for many years you have plenty of notice as to when you need to sell your shares so can do so when you stand to make a profit. There may well have been times during the years you own them when you suffer losses at least on paper. But it doesn't matter as potential losses aren't realised unless you actually sell up.

How to Save Without Sacrificing

If you are saving for a holiday or new car, investing for the short term, stick to a savings account paying the highest rate of interest you can find. At least you are guaranteed to get your capital back, plus some return. You aren't risking your cash. You won't make the big returns you might have made on stocks and shares but at least you know there won't be any losses either.

If you are saving for a holiday or new car - investing for the short term - stick to a savings account paying the highest rate of interest you can find. At least you are guaranteed to get your capital back, plus some return: You aren't risking your cash. You won't make the big returns you might have made on stocks and shares but at least you know there won't be any losses either.

Creating a Personal Finance Emergency Fund

Before you consider investing for the longer term, you need to set up your own personal finance emergency or rainy day fund for contingencies that you can imagine but couldn't pay for out of your purse or wallet.

The fund should contain enough money to pay for events such as a sudden trip abroad if you have close family in distant lands, any domestic problem that wouldn't be covered by insurance, a major repair to a car over and above an insurance settlement, or a vet's bill not covered by insurance.

It may be prudent not to put your emergency fund money in an account that offers a higher rate of interest in return for restricted access such as not being able to get hold of your money for five years. The problems and penalties associated with getting your cash on short notice outweigh any extra-earning advantages.

An emergency cash reserve serves as reassurance so you can ride out investment bad times more easily. Know that you'll rarely be able to access investments in an emergency. You shouldn't be put in a position where you're forced to sell. And your credit card can be a temporary lifeline, giving you breathing space to re-organise longer-term investments when necessary.

Liza Mathers writes for Seek4finance. Our visitors can apply online for a range of personal finance, solutions including personal loans, mortgages, credit cards, current accounts and savings. Visit http://www.seek4finance.co.uk today.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Commercial Finance - Commercial Hire Purchase

Commercial Hire Purchase (also known as Asset Purchase or "CHP") is similar to leasing, except the customer claims the allowable depreciation on the equipment plus interest as a tax deduction, as opposed to claiming the actual lease payments, as with a finance lease. The choice between the two will depend on which option maximizes the company's tax deduction. This in turn will depend on the term and the depreciation rate allowable on the equipment.

Payment Structure

The customer can structure the payments so that nothing is owed at the end of the term or a small "balloon" payment (like a "residual" in a finance lease) can be used to offset and reduce monthly payments.


• Unlike a finance lease, no restrictions apply to term structures.
• Tax ownership lies with lessee - interest expense and depreciation are claimed.


• For those on the "cash" method of accounting, GST is claimed and amortized over the duration of the loan period.
• Amount financed inclusive of GST - interest expense is therefore higher.

Equipment Finance Broking Firm

Established in 1990, Melbourne Finance Broking is regarded as one of the most progressive equipment finance broking firms in Australia. With over 40 staff around the country and realizing enormous finance volumes (commanding significant buying power), the broking house deals with over 30 of Australia's banks and lending institutions, including some with exclusive agency.

Heavy Equipment Financing

Each broker or broking team within Melbourne Finance runs their own business specialty. The corporate entity, Heavy Equipment Finance Australia (HEFA), was introduced by one of the teams in 2005 to more accurately signify their heavy equipment financing specialty, as well as better reflect their interstate expansion.

The HEFA team is unsurpassed in its experience and dedication to servicing the industries utilization heavy machinery, including Earth-moving, construction, road making, mining, demolition, forestry and agriculture.

If you want more information on HEFA and would like to check out their range of products and deals, you can visit them at http://www.hefa.com.au

Paul Jennings works with one of the largest firms dealing in finance for heavy machinery in Australia. In his free time, he also writes informative articles about this specialized field.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Personal Software Reviews

Financial experts agree that finance personal software can help you reduce "financial stress". Money budgeting helps you keep track of your expenses and income, plan wise money-saving strategies, gives you control over your money, peace of mind, and saves you time.

These budget software reviews provide information to help you decide which personal accounting software is better for your needs.

Mvelopes - uses an envelope budget system where you save part of your income periodically (by-weekly or monthly) to pay future bills and stay within your budget. You create spending categories called "envelopes" which you set up for your various expenses. Mvelopes focuses more on budgeting your money than most other finance personal software programs.

Their application is website-based, so you don't need to download any personal accounting software on your computer. This allows you to share software budgeting with another person, such as your spouse and this also causes less tech support problems. This envelope system includes features such as FREE online bill pay service, automatic monthly income allocation to your spending accounts, and links to more than 14 thousand financial institutions.

Summary: Mvelopes is particularly useful for people who travel frequently and want web access to their financial planning. Disadvantages: There is only one savings category, it has quarterly and yearly fees, and is more elaborate than other finance personal software systems, so it takes longer to learn.

You Need A Budget - By using their four sound financial principles, you'll never find yourself in financial trouble. Their finance personal software is user-friendly and allows you to import information from your bank, set up repeating expenses, offers unlimited user-defined categories, charts, and other reports. A great advantage is their automation, so you don't need to repeat data entry.

Setting up YNAB finance personal software is fast and easy and they offer great support such as online tutorials, a wiki, user forum, online user manual, a FAQ section, and FREE online coaching through webinars. After you set up your starting budget, you can easily import information from your banks, schedule payments and tasks, create charts, and other reports to organize your finances.

Summary: YNAB comes with 5 bonus spreadsheets, auto-suggest budgeting and The YNAB Way eBook FREE. Disadvantages: Currently is not available for Macs, though you can run it on an emulator.

Quicken Deluxe - combines data from your bank account, investments, and monthly bills into a single database so you can better organize your software budgeting. This finance personal software includes many solid tools to help you create your monthly budget, pay your debts, allocate regular savings, manage your investments and plan your retirement.

Their finance personal software is very good for tracking and analyzing your expenses and this is a big help at tax time. It provides you with comprehensive, searchable help topics even with no Internet connection. Quicken Deluxe offers access to most major banks so you can download your statements automatically online. You can set up automatic data downloads at a specific time each day; however you must close it to run scheduled updates.

Summary: Your impression of Quicken Deluxe finance personal software will depend on the compatibility between your bank (and other financial institutions) system, and Quicken's data access. Disadvantages: It has reported software bugs, no portfolio analysis, expensive phone support, and doesn't open during downloads.

Discover the secrets to easy money budgeting and learn expert saving ideas. For more great resources and information on software budgeting and a FREE eBook, go to Money Budgeting Guide and Expert Saving Ideas

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Top 5 Methods To Finance A Car Purchase

There are a number of financing options available to those looking to purchase a new car, with methods and sources available to suit a wide range of needs and circumstances. It is important that you look at the options that are open to you before you start looking for a car, as the methods for which you are eligible may determine where you have to get your car from and what sort of price range you should be looking at.

Some methods of finance are more expensive than others, and your credit rating and circumstances will determine which finance options are open to you. Below you will find five popular methods of financing the purchase of a car:

1. Bank loan: A number of banks offer specialist car loans to those with decent credit, and in some cases you can enjoy extra benefits with these loans, such as free HPI checks, discounts on insurance cover, and free or cheap breakdown cover. In most cases you will need to have good credit to get a bank loan for your car purchase. The amount that you will be able to borrow will depend on a number of factors, including your income, employment status, and credit rating.

2. Homeowner loan: If you are a homeowner, do not have a good enough credit rating for a bank loan, and do not want to look at options such as dealership finance or HP, you may want to consider a secured loan, which is a loan that is secured against your property. You can enjoy longer repayments periods with this sort of loan, and this means that you can reduce the monthly amount that you have to pay out on your loan.

3. PCP: Personal Contract Purchase, or PCP, is where you can make monthly repayment on your car, with a large chunk of the value deferred to the end of the loan in the form of a balloon payment. At the end of the term you can return the car and pay nothing else for it, pay the balloon payment and keep the car, or continue with the plan and switch to a newer vehicle.

4. HP: Hire purchase, or HP, is another common form of car financing, and this is where you make monthly payments on the car for a specified term. You continue to make the payments throughout the term, after which the car becomes yours.

5. Dealership finance: Many dealerships offer finance these days, but this form of financing can be expensive. There are a number of dealerships that offer their own finance to those with bad credit, and for those with no other options due to their credit rating this is often the only way to get a newer vehicle.

Loans4 provide homeowner loan solutions for homeowners. Please visit http://www.loans4.co.uk for the latest finance related news.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Using Retirement Funds to Finance a New Business

Today, the times have changed. Instead of living a peaceful post retirement life from their hard earned savings, people are now thinking of investing their retirement money in new business so that their money grows further. Research suggests that 1 million people start a business in America per year. People have started using the funds from their 401k plans to start a new business without attracting tax penalties and other consequences of debt.

Under the Employment Retirement Income Security Act, you can transfer your retirement funds for a usable capital that can be used for business investments. Even if a person has about $40,000 in his retirement account and he is not currently employed by any organization, he can qualify for the Small Business Administration recognized approach where the funds can be used for purchasing a franchise or an existing business. The funds can also be used for start up expenses such as purchasing property or furniture or working capital such as paying salaries or also business expansion such as introducing new franchises.

If you think that you are ready to explore this new financing option, then you should be sure that you consult a financial expert who will guide you through the whole process. This financing option is good if you have accumulated enough funds in your retirement account. You can start a new business where you first establish a C corporation and then this new corporation has a retirement plan. The funds are invested in this retirement plan and the new plan purchases the corporation's stock.

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in traveling industry. She also offers top quality articles like:
Spouse And IRA Contribute
Tax on Roth IRA.

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Sector

To ensure that there is smooth running of companies or businesses, you have to be able to have various sections that deal with the different aspects of the company. The finance sector mainly deals with the various financial aspects and services that are offered in making it easier to access and understand them. This ranges from personal banking and even the insurance industry. Since it is a part of the national economy, it can sometimes be complicated as it involves a lot of paper work that is hard to keep track of.

There are also institutions that are part of the finance sector like banks, insurance companies, investment firms etc. These companies generally operate in various ways including funds, investments, debt instruments etc. We are constantly interacting with this factor in our day-to-day financial activities. Every time we deposit a check, apply for credit cards, or even borrow a loan we are working hand in hand with this division. When it comes to institutions and companies, these activities are on a larger scale.

One of the most recognized financial sectors is Wall Street. It accommodates some of the biggest corporations in the financial industry. The financial sector has risen gradually and has become a force to reckon with there have been individuals and corporations who have managed to achieve impressive portfolios.

There have been attempts by various countries to regulate this sector in a bid to protect investors and the economy. Lack of regulations can cause serious financial hurdles especially in times of economic crisis, since these activities can contribute to crisis situations. The finance sector is a sensitive and vital part of any organization that needs to be treated accordingly.

Mercy Maranga writes content on Finance and Finance Management. Visit her site here for more information on Finance. Finance Sector

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Learning Personal Finance With Investment Clubs

If you are someone who would like to know more about investing, joining or starting an investment club can be a rewarding and educational experience. Many people feel more comfortable about learning about investing with other average folks when compared with talking to an "expert".

Is it a good fit for you?

If you have been putting off learning about investing and setting any money aside, the discipline of a club could be ideal. Many people join a club to have a group that they can talk to about investing and apply what they learn to their own portfolios. If you have $20-$50 a month to set aside and invest through a club, you might find membership is for you.

Even experienced investors use a club to gain information about stocks that they do not have the time to research. Many hands make light work. All members benefit from the work of other members. Work? Yes you need to contribute more that cash. Don't think that you can take a free ride. The pooled account may not be significant when compared to your 401(k) but everyone has a stake and needs to commit.

How Do These Things Start?

Groups of friends, neighbors or co-workers start talking about investing and find that a starting an investment club is the next step. Setting up a club takes some work but the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) has all the information you need to get started.

How Do They Work

Successful investment clubs focus on learning as well as investing. Guest speakers, like a local broker or investment analyst, may be invited from time to time. Most people join a club to explore new ideas and discuss investing issues. In the early sessions of a club's life, education might be very introductory, covering how to read a balance sheet, an earnings report and the club's financials. Soon the club might be learning new ways to value stocks or discussing a book about Warren Buffett.

Clubs Are Work: Why Not Try a Money-Free Club?

Many clubs have fallen by the wayside when members realize that the time involved is significant. Often the treasurer feels this first. Because of this, groups that want to get started but are a bit intimidated at the paperwork, try a "money-free" club.

Some money-free clubs will focus on education only. Others will set up fantasy portfolios on a web site and buy and sell and do all the work, but with no real money in.


• No monthly contributions.
• No need for a treasurer.
• No accounts to keep and taxes to pay.
• Great for people who are hesitant to commit to a regular club.


• People often lose their discipline if they're not bound together by pooled money.
• Often people take a money-free club less seriously.
• It's less fun and exciting for some people, if there's no real money involved.

For more information on personal finance and bank rates, visit http://www.selectcdrates.com.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Behavioural Finance: Focus on Intrinsic Value


The volume of research in the field of Behavioural Finance has grown over the recent years. The field merges the concepts of finance, economics and psychology to understand the human behaviour in the financial markets, to form winning investment strategies.


Behavioural finance is the study of the influence of psychology on the behaviour of financial practitioners and the subsequent effect on markets. Principal objective of an investment is to make money. We usually assume that investors always act in a manner that maximizes their return rationally. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), the central proposition of finance for the last thirty five years rests on assumption of rationality. But it has been proved that people are ruled as much by emotion as by cold logic and selfishness. While the emotions such as fear and greed often play an important role in poor decisions, there are other causes like cognitive biases, heuristics (shortcuts) that take investors to incorrectly analyse new information about a stock or currency and thus overreact or under react. Behavioural Finance is the study of how these mental errors and emotions can cause stocks or currency to be overvalued or undervalued, and to create investment strategies that gives a winning edge over the others investors.

I would like to bring out the behaviour pattern of a rational investor. This rational investor is assumed to act rationally in following ways:

o Makes decisions to maximize the expected utility.

o Fully informed with unbiased information.

o Absence of any distortion of judgement based on emotions.

It is to be kept in mind that risk resides not only in the price movements of dollars, gold, oil, commodities, companies and bonds. It also lurks inside us – in the way we misinterpret information, fool ourselves into thinking we know more than we do, and overreact to market swings. Information is useless if we misinterpret it or let emotions sway our judgement. Human beings are irrational about investing. Correct behaviour patterns are absolutely essential to successful investing - so to be financially successful one has to overcome these tendencies. if we can recognise these destructive urges, we can avoid them. Behavioural Finance combines the disciplines of economics and psychology specifically to study this phenomenon.


A speculative bubble occurs when actions by market participants' results in stock prices to deviate from their fundamental valuation over a prolonged period of time. Speculative bubbles are difficult to explain by rational trading behaviour, and theories have been put forward to explain market psychology through behavioural finance1. They propose that when significant proportion of trading activity in the market is characterized by positive feedback behaviour, it may result in asset prices to shift away from their fundamental valuation. This price deviation encourages rational investors to trade in the same direction.

Speculative trades are based upon investors' private information held today, and are designed to provide investors with higher returns in the next period when that private information is fully revealed to the market. This implies a positive correlation in returns as market incorporate the information into prices. Trades due to portfolio rebalancing, or hedging, is not information based, and occurs when a trader may increase (or decrease) his stock holding by buying (or selling) a portion of his stock holding. This will be accomplished by increasing (or decreasing) the stock price to induce the opposite side of the trade.


What are the implications for corporate managers? It is believed that such market deviations make it even more important for the executives of a company to understand the intrinsic value of its shares. This knowledge allows it to exploit any deviations, if and when they occur, to time the implementation of strategic decisions more successfully. Here are some examples of how corporate managers can take advantage of market deviations:

o Issuing additional share capital when the stock market attaches too high a value to the company's shares relative to their intrinsic value.

o Repurchasing shares when the market under-prices them relative to their intrinsic value.

o Paying for acquisitions with shares instead of cash when the market overprices them relative to their intrinsic value.

Two things must be kept in mind as regards this aspect of market deviations.

Firstly, these decisions must be grounded in a strong business strategy driven by the goal of creating shareholder value.

Secondly, managers should be cautious of analyses claiming to highlight market deviations. Furthermore, the deviations should be significant in both size and duration. Provided that a company's share price eventually returns to its intrinsic value in the long run, managers would benefit from using a discounted-cash-flow approach for strategic decisions.

It can thus be summarized that for strategic business decisions, the evidence strongly suggests that the market reflects intrinsic value.


Often turbulence in the market isn't linked to any perceivable event but to investor psychology. A fair amount of portfolio losses can be traced back to investor choices and reasons for making them. I would like to point out some of the ways by which investors unthinkingly inflict problems on themselves :


This is a cardinal sin in investing and this tendency to follow the crowd and depend on the direction of others is exactly how problems in the stock market arise. There are two actions that are caused by herd mentality:

o Panic buying

o Panic selling

Holding Out for a rare treat

Some investors, praying for a reversal for their stocks, hold onto them, other investors, settling for limited profit, sell stock that has great long-term potential. One of the big ironies of the investing world is that most investors are risk averse when chasing gains but become risk lovers when trying to avoid a loss.

If we are shifting our non-risk capital into high-risk investments, we are contradicting every rule of prudence to which the stock market ascribes and asking for further problems.


One of the most important issues in Behavioural Finance is whether the assumptions of investor rationality are realistic or not.

The concept can be explained with the help of an example. Let's assume that Mr. X invests and manages his portfolio in an efficient market. Here only seconds are available for a response to the news. There are a great number of factors that affect the decision of Mr. X. Further, these factors can affect each other. How can Mr. X draw the right judgements when the information is updated very frequently? Probably Mr. X works on a computer, through out the day, on which a utility function program is installed for his work. Every decision Mr. X is based on the calculation given by his computer. As soon as the portfolio is rebalanced, the computers utility function program analyses new alternatives. This process goes on and on over the course of the day. Obviously, Mr X does not show any joy, when he wins and no panic when he looses. Can a human brain behave like this? We know that a human brain can master only seven pieces of information at any one time.

So, how could one possibly absorb all the relevant information and process it correctly? People use simplifying heuristics (shortcuts) in order to control the complexity of information received. Psychological research has shown that the human brain often uses shortcuts to solve complex problems. These heuristics are rules or strategies for information processing, which help to find a quick, but not necessary optimal, solution. Once the information is simplified to manageable level, people use judgement heuristics. These shortcuts are needed to resolve the decision making as quickly as possible. Heuristics are also used to arrive at a quick judgement, they can, however, also systematically distort judgement in certain situations.


The first step in reducing complexity is to simplify the decision. However it also adds the risk of arriving at a non-rational conclusion, unless one is careful.


People focus on one account (say purchase of share x) in particular when weighing things, relationship with other commitments or accounts (say purchase of share y) are usually ignored. I would like to explain this with the help of an illustration. For instance, Company A produces bathing costumes, and company B produces raincoats. Both companies are new, extremely efficient and innovating, so that purchasing shares in these companies would be a profitable proposition. A financial gain, however depends to a large extent on the whether in both cases, Company A will produce huge profits if the weather is fine, while Company B will make a loss, even though this is kept to a minimum, thanks to its efficient management. The situation is reversed in the case of bad weather. With mental accounting, either investment is risky when seen in isolation. But if we take into account the mutual effect of the uncertainty factor, i.e. the weather, then a combination of both shares become a lucrative, and at the same time secure investment.


Not everybody has same degree of information. Some people prefer to see business news on CNBC TV 18, NDTV PROFIT. But others may like to see the serials on STAR PLUS. Obviously the first one may have more information, as compared to second.


This is one of the mental shortcuts that make it hard for investors to correctly analyse new information. It helps the brain organise and quickly process large stock of data, but can cause investors to overreact to old information. For example, if a company is repeatedly giving losses, investors will become disillusioned with this past data, and thus may overreact to past information by ignoring valid signs of recovery. Thus, the stock of the company is undervalued because of this bias.


Under the paradigm of traditional financial economics, decision makers are considered to be rational and utility maximizing. The assumption of rational expectations is simply an assumption - an assumption that could turn out not to be true.

Behavioural Finance has the potential to be a valuable supplement to the traditional financial theories in making investment decisions. The following fundamentals of behavioural finance give us a glimpse of the pitfalls to be avoided. These are the challenges which need to be overcome and addressed.

1. Hubris hypothesis: it is the tendency to be over optimistic. It results from psychological biases. The investor gets swayed by the momentum generated in the markets in recent past.

2. Sheep theory: it is a phenomenon where all the investors are running in the same direction. They follow the herd – not voluntarily, but to avoid being trampled.

3. Loss aversion: it says that investors take more risk when threatened with a loss. Thus mental penalty associated with a given loss is greater than the mental reward from a gain of the same size.

4. Anchoring: this causes investors to under react to new information. This can lead to investors to expect a company's earning to be in line with historical trends, leading to possible under reaction to trend changes.

5. Framing: this states that the way people behave depends on their way decision problems are framed. Even the same problem framed in different ways can cause people to make different choices.

6. Overconfidence: this is what leads people to think that they know more than they do. It leads investors to overestimate their predictive skills and believe they can time the market.


Behavioural finance holds definite clues and appears apt in the current IPO craze as regards Indian markets are concerned. The herd mentality is evident in the scramble for shares. As the positive information of excess subscriptions comes, more investors enter the bandwagon. When Prices of the stocks start soaring, everyone one is thinking of the same thing: I am going to sell on listing and book the profits. Can money making be so simple? Is life and the financial markets so predictable? One will see investors selling the stocks as soon as they get the allotments. Herd mentality will be at work with people trying to sell faster than the neighbour, thus eroding stock values at a faster rate. Greed thus becomes the graveyard. One needs to understand that there are no shortcuts to earning money. One has to work hard and have patience.

It is believed that perfect application of Behavioural finance can make an Indian investor successful, making fewer mistakes. Even if we learn to identify some common psychological and cognitive errors that plague even the wisest investment professional, it may be enough. To put it in Simple words, economic theory starts with a flawed basic premise that the investor is a rational being who will always act to maximise his financial gain. Yet, we are not rational beings, we are human beings.

In stock markets, behavioural finance can help explain situations such as why we hold on to stocks that are crashing, foolishly sell stocks that are rising, ridiculously overvalue stocks, jump in late and never find our right price to buy and sell stocks.

Let's take the example of the recent discovery of gas by Reliance industries. The stock starts spurting as everyone starts buying on this news. Newspapers start flashing stories as to the size of such a discovery.

But let us analyse the situation without becoming a prey to mental heuristics. Gas has been discovered but the same needs to be drilled which takes a lot of time and money. What is the quality of the gas? How many wells would be needed for drilling? How much time will it take? How much money would be required and what are the plans to finance the same? How easy it is going to be to extract the same? These are all important and pertinent questions. In this time lag there are so many uncertainties the company will have to go through, before the profits are reaped. However, analysts have started predicting the future profitability of Reliance and on such hopes investors start buying the stock at rising prices.

This is how mental heuristics work when the brain takes a shortcut in processing information and does not process the full information and its implications. Thus behavioural finance has a pivotal role to play in Indian Capital market.


Knowing the heuristics shall help the investors to which they are susceptible and this will help them in neutralizing to some extent the distortions in the perception and assimilation of information. This will in turn, help the investor to take a rational decision and get a cutting edge over the other not-so-rational investors.

More research on behavioural finance should take place not only in asset pricing but also in areas like project appraisal & investment decisions and other areas of corporate finance, so that managers can avoid the decision traps. Psychology and irrational behaviour matter on financial markets. Behavioural finance is relevant in many ways. It educates investors about how to avoid biases, designing long and short term strategies to exploit biases; and being aware that decision-makers in financial markets are human beings with biases. We also need to realize that an implicit assumption of behavioural finance is that their findings at individual level are scaleable to market level.

About the Author

Mr. Amarendra B. Dhiraj is a frequent speaker at internationally renowned global events, CEO/CTO/CIO Roundtables, Technology Conferences and Symposiums. He hosted and organized the Executive Technology Leadership Forum. He specializes in strategy, innovation, and leadership for change. His strategic and practical insights have guided leaders of large and small organizations worldwide.

Amarendra Bhushan has been named to lists of the European Management Guru and is named as “Europe's youngest management Guru” and one of the “Top most influential business thinkers in the world”. http://www.theerce.com, http://www.indogreek.org The Economic Times, CNBC, moneycontrol

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Basic Role Of A Finance Manager

The service of providing funds or capital for commercial or private reasons comes under the umbrella term – Finance. It is also a branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets. It can be also defined as the management of funds and capital required by a business and private activities. Management of finance has also developed into a specialized branch within the financial sector and is carried out by finance managers.

Simply put these managers arrange money to be lent to businesses or private individuals using either money already available from company accounts or from external lenders. The simple process of optimization is used to receive the most from these funds by reducing the cost of arranging the finance whilst at the same time ensuring returns are high. The fact is that it governs most of the worlds activities and poor finance management will immediately show up as conditions deteriorate in procurement, production and sales as it affects every sphere of business activities. The finance manager's job is to maximize profits whilst keeping the risk to a minimum so you can understand why there is a high level of stress associated with this work.

One of the most famous management gurus Lee Iacocca referred to finance managers as Bean-Counters who almost look at the expense part with a rather pessimistic view. Finance managers are people who always like to see where they have been and do not look towards the future in the same way that a sales manager does. For most small business owners there is not a clear distinction between personal and business which often leads to the funds being used in areas that are not part of the arrangement. When money is lent under these circumstances, lenders feel quite aggrieved as they have lost control of where the money is being invested.

Although resisting the tendency to use funds this way may dampen someone's enthusiasm in the short term, it will focus the attention of the borrower and perhaps instill more discipline in the future. Fortunately, small businesses can always use the more approved methods of friends or relations to help provide finance. However, finance managers are in the position of making money for their company so out sourcing their lending can help increase their profits. The famous comedian Bob Hope best summed up the subject when he once said; a bank is a place that will lend you money but only if you can prove that you don't need it.

Francisco Segura owns and operates http://www.forexhistoryforprofit.com
Forex History

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Types of Business Finance - Grant Finance

Whether your business is small and new or large and established you will need adequate finance for the majority of projects, purchases and expansions you're your business makes.

Obtaining the necessary cash to get your business off the ground can be a challenge and few new companies are able to finance themselves on cashflow alone and therefore need to consider gaining finance from other external sources. There are many of these external sources who will be willing to provide you with this start up finance, a few examples of these are stated below:

• Bank loans

• Business angels

• Venture capitalists

• Overdrafts

• Credit cards

• Friends and family

These are just a few examples of some of the places that business start-up finance is available from; however there is another source of business finance available that many people often seem to forget, this is grant finance. Business Grants can however take several months to process so you should always add extra time to your planning so that you get a decision on your grant application before the project is due to start.

A lot of start up companies and small businesses are often put off the idea of applying for a business grant to help them with their finances and because of this many of these businesses are missing out on a great opportunity to gain extra cash for there business; cash that doesn't need to be paid back.

Few, if any new companies can finance themselves on cashflow alone and therefore need to consider raising finance from other external sources. If your business needs extra cashflow for a specific project or purpose then a business grant could be exactly what you need. This is because business grants are only awarded for specific aspects. So what exactly is a business grant? A business grant is when an organisation or authority gives a sum of money to your business to help you succeed in a particular project these business grants are mainly awarded by the Government at both a local and national level as well as by smaller bodies such as The Princes Trust or The Arts Council.

When you are applying for a business grant there are certain things that you should keep in mind such as a detailed description of the project, an explanation of the potential benefits of the project, a detailed work plan, details of your own experience and if possible a business plan. All of these will help you with your application process and help you to get closer to that business grant that you want.

If you are successful in your grant application the money that you receive is none repayable and you won't have to pay any interest for it either; however you will need to carry out a significant amount of hard work if you want to stand a chance of obtaining a grant. These grants are also limited so the competition that you will face for them is intense.

Helen is the web master of Angel Start-ups, experts in all aspects of Business Finance [http://www.angelstartups.com/articles/showarticles/VentureCapitalistArticles/1/UKFinancefromVentureCapitalists.html] and Business Grants [http://www.angelstartups.com/articles/showarticles/GrantFinance/1/GuidetoSmallBusinessGrantsandLoans.html]

Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Personal Finance Budgeting

Planning a budget for your personal finance is very important to feeling secure and being financially stable especially in the current economic climate. It stands to reason that you should have some kind of monetary stash put away for a rainy day. A lot of people don't look at their personal finance until they get in trouble with credit and debt. At that time, it may be far-reaching and more difficult to get back on track. However, if you aspire to reach financial health, part of the process is to gather all the knowledge you would need to start planning your finances wisely.

Your first step to take is to find out what your exact expenses are for each month. These expenses will include your electric bill, phone bill, car payment, car insurance, credit card bills, mortgage or rent, cable bill, cell phone bill, college loan (if any), and other incidentals. Your incidental bills could include gas for your car, shopping, going out to dinner, nightly entertainment, groceries, and anything else that you consistently spend money on each month. Put all of these bills on a spreadsheet or create a specific journal to make your entries.

The next thing is to match your income against all these expenses and see what you can cut out or limit each month. You have to do this if you want to have some money each month to put aside in a savings account. I am sure you have heard about the concept "pay yourself first." What this means is that you should have a certain amount each week or each month to put aside in a specific account and you should not stray away from this habit. You are not breaking the bank, but steadily gaining momentum with your savings when you put money in each week or month. It will also give you a sense of security and balance. No one knows when disaster will strike, but one thing we know is that it will, so you have to be prepared for the worst.

Take control of your debt. Stop over spending. If you can't pay for something using cash, then this means that you are unable to afford it in the first place. Don't let your credit card put you in bondage. You will forever be a slave to the credit card companies that want to hold you hostage for years to come. Cut up some of the credit cards that you have and only keep one. When you have one, you have fewer options.

Track your spending. Take a little notebook with you to store or keep your receipts and make note of all your spending. You would be surprised that some of your spending is futile and unnecessary when you see it on paper. Before you go to the grocery store each week, write a list and take it with you and don't go to the store when you are hungry. If you follow these two steps, you will not do any kind of impulse shopping. You will spend wisely and only buy the things you really need.

You are in control of your financial destiny so be the dictator and do not let a financial institution tell you how to spend your money. The financial ball is now in your court.

Writer and author, Cheryline Lawson gives high accolades to Fernando Reyes, who is an Internet Marketing guru and expert in a variety of fields including finance and you are invited to find out more by visiting the website at => http://crowleybiz.com/finance

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Charts - Tips on How to Use Them

It is important to monitor your progress whether you are in business or for your own personal benefit. When you want to start a business it is important that you strategize on how you intend to go about it. You will have to create a business plan that will guide you on how you will set up the business, to operate, to market and even how you intend to make profit. You also have to show that you have a contingency plan should things fail to work out.

In your business plan, you will be expected to have a chart of your company's projections. This is particularly important when you are looking for funding from the different lenders. Your finance chart will show them the direction that you hope the business will take in a specified period of time. You can also monitor the direction your financial profile is taking with the use of financial charts.

It will show you if you are on a growth trend or you are losing out. It will also help you make the necessary adjustments so that you can improve if you are on a downward trend. There are various types of finance charts that you can use to give a brief description of your financial assessments. You can use pie charts, bar charts, line charts, box charts etc.

Since they are designed to summarize your financial portfolio, you save time when you are just looking to know the direction your finances are taking instead of reading all the other unnecessary parts of the document. They are an effective and clever way for anyone to analyze their financial progress.

Mercy Maranga writes content on Finance and Finance Management. Visit her site here for more information on Finance. Finance Information

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sellers Can Safely Finance a Buyer

Thirty and forty years ago it was not uncommon for a seller to finance his buyer, in other words to carry the note for the buyer. In fact, many of those contracts were still being created 20 years ago, but with a mortgage market that became intensely competitive and focused upon getting everyone possible into a home, seller contracts faded.

Seller contracts around the U.S. faded for two specific reasons. First, buyers could find lower interest rates and higher loan to value ratios than sellers could reasonably offer for the risk. Second, sellers were favored by IRS treatment, which has reduced the capital gains tax threat for anyone selling their own home.

For a retired person who wants to sell their own home (and especially a rental or investment property), it might be a great time to consider financing the buyer.

In Washington there are two ways to carry the contract for a buyer:

  1. A Deed of Trust and a Promissory Note; or
  2. A Real Estate Contract, aka Land Contract.

Provided the seller still does his due diligence on the buyer (credit report, job history, references), and provided the seller gets a reasonable down payment, a seller can get a higher interest rate than a mortgage broker. The higher interest rate is justified, because it is a private contract and the seller bears the risk of default and foreclosure (or forfeiture in the case of a real estate contract).

The risks can be quite acceptable, because the seller is well secured by the real estate itself. If the seller has to foreclose, he probably makes even more money, since he keeps the down payment, all the monthly payments, and then re-sells the house at what may be an even higher price (or at least the same price). Of course, there may be some repairs required after a foreclosure, but it can still be lucrative, and in a market that has slowed down, this could be the key to selling the house now!

Of course, if the seller needs lots of cash now, he does not have this option. One last tip here. A seller can sell the note and promissory to a commercial note buyer at a slight discount. This would be a cash out (talk to your CPA about possible tax consequences). How much of a discount? That depends on the interest rate, the security, the buyer's credit and so on. The competition for good secured notes has heated up in the last 10 years, and now some notes are selling for only a 1% to 3% discount. That's pretty darn good. I used to work for the largest note buyer in Washington, and the discounts we got then were much higher (often 30%).

Even a 5% to 7% discount on a $200,000 note could still be reasonable, especially in this market. And here's a super tip: You may be able to increase the price to cover some of the discount. Someone who must ask you as a seller to carry the note is someone who will most likely agree to add some of the discount (or all of it) to the purchase price.

It's good to know your options in today's changing real estate market. Be careful in all of this. Get good professional advice, because as always, there are traps for the unwary.

Chuck practiced real estate law for 20 years before coming back to his first love, real estate sales and transactions. He practices on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Washington.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Bad Credit Computer Finance - Looking For A Laptop

Computer plays multiple roles and also makes things simple and easier. But as you are in a bad credit condition you are unable to manage the required finance and seeking for some monetary support. The bad credit computer finance is designed keeping in mind the conveniences of bad credit persons.

It can be availed under various names like online computer finance, computer financing options, computer finance UK, guaranteed computer finance, no credit check this and as well. The bad credit computer finance is one of the best computer loan scheme because of the various reasons like low rate of interest, easy financing, instant approval, no credit check and policies to revamp the poor credit status. If you have any of this bad credit tags, CCJs, defaults, arrears, bankruptcy late payments correspondingly then you are eligible for the loan. For more information customer care has opened it doors from where you can solve your queries and take suggestions. As your credit is hit and badly affected by the bad credit, so enclosing of details related to credit history becomes essential.

Taking the aid of it, you can easily purchase new computers, laptops with the latest technology. And from home itself you can carry out miscellaneous task of office or personal, surf with your friends, and download the latest games or any other versions. This is a loan that is capable of providing instant approval because the online has been attached to it. The online has made it easier to approach lenders from any location. Online method is easy and simple to follow. So, you will soon have a personal computer with the latest technology in your bedroom with the assistance of bad credit computer finance.

Turk Malloy works as financial advisor in Bad Credit Computer Finance. He is offering loan advice for quite some time.

To know more about Bad Credit Computer Finance, computer finance, computer finance UK, cheap computer finance, online computer finance visit http://www.badcreditcomputerfinance.co.uk/

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Websites

There are various sources available when you are looking for information on finances. It is important for anyone out there to enlighten them on the various aspects of finances. This is because it is a complex topic and few understand how money works. It could be you are going through financial hardship, or you want to know more about investing and saving options or you are curious on how you can expand your financial portfolio. Whatever your reason for seeking our information, you should ensure that you get clear and accurate information.

This will guide you while you make decisions that will greatly influence your financial future. There are many sources of information available in finance magazines and journals for those of who like to turn pages. This however may not be a wide source to gather knowledge and that is why you should venture into the Internet world. There are many financial websites that contain a wealth of information and have answers to your questions. Depending on what you want to know, there are various sites that specialize in the different aspects of finance.

There are websites that are interactive and you have the chance to ask questions and you can get answers almost instantly. These could be from experts or individuals who have experienced similar situations. You will get a variety of opinions, but eventually you have to make a decision on what you think can work best for you.

On finance websites, you will also get to compare the various rates provided by the different lending institutions. You can also get advice on the type of investment firm and investment opportunities that can work best for you. If you are looking for qualified and certified financial advisors then this is a great place to source one.

Mercy Maranga writes content on Finance and Finance Management. Visit her site here for more information on Finance. Finance Information.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Ways to Finance a Vacation

Taking a vacation can be an important part of your yearly routine... after all, it's been shown in medical studies that individuals who go on vacation at least once per year not only tend to live happier lives but also may have longer lives as well.

Unfortunately, vacations aren't free; it can sometimes be all that a person can do to scrape together the money to go on their vacation and the person generally comes back to face their various financial problems without the money that they need to repay them. With a little bit of effort throughout the year, however, it is entirely possible to build up a vacation fund without breaking the bank. Below you'll find some suggestions about how you can save up the extra money that you need while keeping the rest of your finances in check.

Yearly savings

One of the easiest ways to save money for a vacation is to do it a little at a time over the course of a year. Find a large container and designate it as the "change" jar, filling it with loose pocket change and the occasional loose bill at the end of every day. Though it may seem like a small amount, after the end of a year you'll find that you've managed to set aside a pretty significant amount of money. Depending upon how much change you have, you might even have to empty the jar once or twice before the year is up!

Make it a family affair

To help make saving for a vacation more enjoyable, get the entire family in on it and make it somewhat of a game. Set up a small savings account to be used for vacation money, and make a note each time a family member sets aside some money to go into the vacation fund. At the end of the year, you might have whoever had put in the most money have a larger say in where you're going for the vacation or perhaps they'll have more spending money allocated to them on a shopping trip.

It's important to make it fun for any children who might be wanting to participate, and make sure that they have a little bit of extra change or other money to put in from time to time so as to give them an above-average chance of winning the grand prize.

Borrowing for a vacation

Though many people might think it to be an unnecessary expense, taking out a loan to pay for vacation expenses is actually a common occurrence. The loan is often a smaller amount and should only be used to subsidize the money that you've saved in other ventures. Taking out a loan can mean the difference between an okay vacation and one that's truly great, so as long as you can afford to repay the loan later you should at least consider looking for a good loan rate.

Reducing vacation expenses

You might also want to consider ways to make your vacation a bit more friendly on your wallet. Plan visits to certain attractions outside of the peak season, or go on theme vacations that involve a lot of sightseeing or camping in order to have a good time without spending a lot of money. Take the time to plan out your vacation in advance, estimating your expenses and cutting unnecessary expenses where possible. Remember that it's a vacation, however, and don't sacrifice a good time for the sake of saving just a little bit of money.

Jerry Warner writes general finance and loan articles for the Bad Credit Loans Online website at http://www.badcreditloansonline.co.uk

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Essential Contents of Finance Metrics

Managing money is not always about cost cutting. It requires analytical approaches that will indicate which part of the expenses should be minimized or totally eradicated. As such, there has to be measurements in managing money; and in terms of report, this is translated into what is called finance metrics. One cannot just simply decide that a certain process or machine be removed as it is expensive. Decisions based on assumptions are more likely to cause financial damage than assistance or resolution.

There are many aspects in managing finance. There are several Key Performance Indicators or KPIs that need to be incorporated in the report when finances are measured. One of these is job costing. Whenever there are projects that has cost, especially for manufacturing, a job costing analysis should be made. It is in this principle or light that a job costing report should be prepared so the managers will get a picture of what is transpiring. This way, they can also see if the investment is earning or if there is much potential for expansion.

Job costing shows people the total accumulated costs of a certain project, and this should include overhead expenses, too. Full costs are calculated against the revenue, and this is more often than not measured by department or division.

The first part of the job costing report is the job ledger. This should contain accounting transactions in a specific order. Normally, this contains job orders and job numbers categorized in a specific way for easy tracking. This contains revenues, costs, indirect costs, and receipts for all the jobs done for a specific project. The job ledger may be sub-categorized in different buckets to easily identify the pain areas in expenses and lost revenues. This may include current cost, purged job cost, billing cost, and invoice ledgers.

Another metric that can be used in analyzing financial status and movement is discounted cash flow. This is a method in appraising a company and its financial assets. Perhaps the downside of this approach is that it is based on the estimation of future cash out flow instead of current expenditures. However, this estimation is backed up by historical data, which is the foundation of any statistical study. Normally, discounted cash flow is only applied in investments and real estate development industries. However, its effectiveness in gaging financial performance has led it to become one of the most used tools in financial studies.

Discounted cash flow may be confusing to some. The problem is that this is not based on simple addition and subtraction. There are a lot of financial formulas that need to be used because one has to factor in the value of treasury notes and the span of time that has elapsed since the assets were purchased.

In general, people who want to manage their finances should consult an expert in finance management, whether this is personal or corporate finance. It is always best to consult experts when developing finance metrics, to be sure that the things being measured are ultimately aligned with the goals of the company.

If you are interested in finance metrics, check this web-site to learn more about finance roi.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Finance Tips For Black Friday

Ah, the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, can either be a shopper's dream or the worst nightmare.

For the last several years, department stores have been opening up earlier every year. Lines have formed outside these buildings anytime from 2 a.m. onwards. For those of you shop on Black Friday, you are well aware of the many sales offered by most merchants.

For those of you who have never shopped on Black Friday, it's quite an experience. The key to landing those terrific sales is to have a plan.

Armed with your Christmas list, experts advise that you go directly to the departments where your items can be found. If necessary, visit the departments before Black Friday so you can easily find the best route on B-Day.

Avoid browsing and try not to buy anything for yourself. Time is precious on this day, and there are always mobs of people trying to grab that last sale item on the rack.

While Black Friday offers great deals, it is a good idea to follow these tips:

* Check out the newspapers the week of Black Friday for sale items.
* Clip out any coupons from the newspapers as well as online coupons that can be utilized in stores.
* Check each store's online website to determine what items you will be purchasing.
* Check out what time the stores will open and close. Keep in mind some stores offer sales for a few hours only.
* Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
* Try to pay for items with cash (use a waist pouch or a neck pouch to store the cash). Bring a bottle of water - it can get awfully hot!
* If you have to pay with a credit card, use only one card and pay off the balance as soon as possible.
* Take someone with you so that you can both shop for the items on your list.

Although most people look forward to Black Friday, others avoid it like the plague. That's okay, too. With online shopping becoming more popular, you can avoid the mobs and shop from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.

In any case, stay focused on your mission; stay vigilant with those around you, and stick to your list!

If you found this article useful, you can also get tons of free investment advice and great finance tips at Invest Money Stocks.

This article was written by Richard Tyler - a happily retired investment guru who ran several successful businesses during his earlier years. He now shares his wealth of knowledge on investment, business and strategic wealth management at Invest Money Stocks. Ignorance is often the reason why some people are unable to harness upon what they already have to make more money while some 'in-the-know' get richer every year simply through investments. Richard sees it as a passion as well as a pleasure to share his knowledge and experience and hopes that his website will be a wealth of knowledge for those who need help in investment and wealth management matters. Invest Money Stocks covers a wide range of topics from business management, home budgeting, personal wealth management to stocks investment, options trading, penny stocks trading, forex trading, bonds, technical analysis, fundamental analysis and more.

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